Claire's Story
Claire was in a loving and supportive family. Her grandparents took care of her and loved her. They put her through school right until she finished high school. And at school, Claire was a bright and bubbly student that enjoyed her classes. Because of her family’s financial need, at the age of 17 she decided to take the risk and find a job at a clothing factory in Manila, the capital of the Philippines.
At the age of 23, now back in her province, Claire contacted a friend in hopes of finding a better paying job. At this time she believed that her friend was a cultural dancer and performer in Angeles City, Pampanga. Claire explained to her friend, “But I don’t know how to dance. Can you get me a job as a waitress instead?” Her friend agreed and assured her of this. She didn’t know what was about to unfold ahead of her.
She saw girls, like her, but in their underwear, on the stage, walking around, and chatting. She turned to her friend and said, “This is what you do? You stand there and dance in front of these foreign men?” her friend replied, “That’s really how it is here, Ate (older sister). If you just stand in a corner, you won’t earn anything. You won’t get your money. You need to entertain the customers, hug them.” She was so confused. She didn’t know what to do. She had nothing. She couldn’t go home. She was trapped.
In the darkness, she clung on to God. Claire didn’t really have an intimate relationship with God but this drew her closer to Him. She prayed everyday to be rescued. One day, she met a group of missionaries from Wipe Every Tear inviting her into a new life of freedom, hope, and a new future! She saw this to be God’s answer for her cries for help! It wasn’t easy for her to leave. But she found the courage and she escaped her traffickers through the help of one the girls in Wipe Every Tear’s care.
Now, Claire has a degree in Business Administration major in Marketing Management. Until this day, she is so thankful to Jesus for being so good to her. She still can’t believe how God has changed her life. When she would look back at her childhood, she somehow knew that God was always with her. Because of the magnitude of God’s love in her life, her dream is to become a missionary. She desires to help women, like her, experience God’s truth and love.
She is not worried about her future because she knows that God has everything laid out for her. Claire says, “Even if I’m alone, I don’t have anything or anyone, I know that God is there and He completes me. When there’s pain, He heals me. Many people say that I am such a happy and joyful person. I always say that it’s God’s joy in me. I’m here right now because God saved me. He fixed me. He’s the one that makes me strong and steadfast. He shows me His heart of compassion. And I want to please and honor Him. This is why I am joyful.”
Claire is experiencing God’s power in such mighty ways! She is deeply and completely in love with Him. She lives her life in pursuit of Him. Now, her life has been completely restored and completely made brand new in Jesus. She is one wonderful and powerful woman in such abandon to the Father’s heart! Claire is one of the first women in Wipe Every Tear’s care to come out publicly on national television to share how God rescued her and changed her life. How courageous! They often say, “This is story is not me anymore. God has redeemed me. If my story helps and inspires other women, I would gladly share what God has done.”
This is what it’s all about. All of this because of Jesus! His children being reconciled to Him!
From Kenny Sacht: I was going to write nothing in this email, and am writing this spontaneously. As I was reading Karissa’s message before publication, I thought I would tell you something about dear Claire. She wrote me a message last week, saying, “Hello Lolo (Grampa!) Coach. Can I ask you if I am qualified to become a pastora (female pastor)? I replied back with a few encouraging words. Claire replied: “I am fasting Lolo Coach for 40 days for God to confirm what He is saying. Please pray with me.”
Claire is full of Jesus and loves bringing kingdom to the lost. I believe God is inviting her into some new things. As I’m writing now, I’m sensing there may be an individual, family, group, or church that Holy Spirit is touching right now about Claire. If this is you and you want to chat, you can email me at, Messenger, or phone text at 208-866-1967.