A local, Filipino counselor(s) is needed to facilitate the holistic healing of women and children in our care. Christ-centered and trauma-informed counsel is preferred.
Manage the upkeep and activities of the Welcome Center in Angeles City. This requires two people minimum, ideally a married couple/family.
Assist local social workers with case management intake and follow-up documentation. This person must be trustworthy and compassionate.
Assist in the running, production and marketing of our TAYO business and Livelihood program. Business management and entrepreneurial experience would be valuable.
Tutor our women in various academic disciplines (particularly Math and English). Develop a curriculum/program for others to follow.
Develop an early childhood education program in addition to providing a biblical foundation for the children of Wipe Every Tear.
Take photos and videos in and around Wipe Every Tear. Edit and post various forms of media online to our social accounts to communicate the heart of Wipe Every Tear.
Lead vision trips and host any teams/visitors coming to visit the Philippines. Excellent interpersonal and organizational skills are desired.
Assist our outreach coordinator in reaching those still trapped in the sex trade. This may include bar outreach, feeding programs, and maintaining our Welcome Center.
Create all media for Wipe Every Tear. This individual should be creatively minded and comfortable with the Adobe Suite or other editing software. 5 hrs / week
Manage all of the operations of the Tayo Collective enterprise. Fulfill orders, manage social media accounts, update the website, collaborate with our PH livelihood director, and explore new avenues for growth. 20 hrs / week
Tell the stories of what Jesus is doing through Wipe Every Tear’s social media outlets. Create, post, and manage all social media communications. 10 - 15 hrs / week
Steward the relationships of those that give to Wipe Every Tear. Engage with donors in a way that honors their gift and encourages additional involvement. 20 hrs / week
Organize all of the details for Wipe Every Tear’s vision trips. Work collaboratively with USA staff, Philippines staff, and vision trip applicants to create an impactful experience. 40 hrs / week