Our scholars’ studies
The women in our care are diligent students. They honorably pursue degrees that offer a ticket to freedom. Please pray for continued perseverance to achieve their goals. They are brilliant women that are on an upward trajectory. Let us stand in their corner in prayer!
A campus
In revival, we believe that there will be an influx of women. We can feel it coming! Freedom is coming in waves, far beyond what we can fathom. In order to sustainably house more women, we are in need of a campus. We see this being a large retreat center on many acres, filled with trees, and plenty of beds for more women! We are asking Him for the perfect location, and the finances to purchase this campus!
A bar on Walking Street
As the meal outreach continues to grow, we are aware of our need for a bar on Walking Street. This would be a location to feed thousands of women! It will be open for women to rest after their bar fines have been paid. It will be overflowing with hospitality and welcoming spirits. We believe that this will be on Walking Street, making it accessible to all women and bringing light to a place of darkness.
More women to find freedom
We rejoice with every new woman that joins our care! It is such a joy to see these formerly trafficked women choosing a new life in Jesus. We want to see more women experiencing the freedom and restoration that He has to offer. Please pray for more women to hear about Wipe Every Tear and make the choice to join our care!